Upload a Photo and Build Your Own Smoke and Fire Scene Simulation


Drag 'n Drop Smoke and Fire Simulations

Train with our cutting-edge fire simulator for incident command & firefighter drills. Perfect for officer development. Try it now!
Easily create your custom fire scene simulation by uploading a .jpeg, .png, or .gif image using the hotspot near the "Upload Image" banner.
Best experience on mobile devices using Chrome browser, though many other devices and browsers including PCs are supported.
If your cursor doesn't show the hotspot when full screen on a PC please reduce the screen magnification to 50 - 80% to align the hotspot better and use it to upload your image. You can also try switching to another device or internet browser or email "support" with your specific issue @ this website, freefiresim.com for more help. 

Images will appear in a new frame with assets to the right or down below depending on your screen and device.
Then just drag and drop the supplied smoke and fire etc. to create your simulation.

If you would rather use our image library you can simply select one of the potential fire incident photos in the Fireground section below. More coming soon!

For presentations to a group of fire officers, you can use a mobile device, laptop, or PC and cast the screen to a large TV monitor.
Alternately, check out the original LBFD classic fire simulator at  https://freefiresimulator.com  or the mobile-friendly version (in progress) at mobile.freefiresimulator.com
The Online fireground

Select a scene to build your smoke & fire simulation - Be prepared and safe

3 Story Senior Living Facility
Strip Mall with Large Trees
Fishing Boat
New Pre-fabricated House in Older Mobile Home Park
California Bungalow
U Shaped Apartment Building
Two Story Victorian House
2 Story School Building
Multi Story Apartment Building
Barn and Lot With Fire Hazards
View More
Why Choose Us

Innovative Fire Simulators for Safer, Smarter Training

Upload a photo or use our fireground to make your own fire scene simulation for incident command drills, officer development presentations, tests, etc.  Tactical training safely in the firehouse without the risks of injury and exposure to fireground toxins. 
This online virtual tool was designed to be mobile device friendly. It can be used for casting to big screens or TV's from mobile devices. If you have a comment, suggestion or question not in the FAQ please Contact us.   

Enhance firefighter training with our cutting-edge digital fire simula Read More